What is Computer ?
The word 'Commuter' is derived from the word compute, which means to calculate. So computer means - calculator. Mainly the computer was invented for computing tasks, but at present its scope has become more extensive and yours, so it has started to be called computer or computer. Computer refers to a device which is used for calculation, process, mechanics, research, research etc. A computer is a combination of hardware and software that converts data into information. The word 'computer' is made up of eight letters of English, which makes its meaning even more broad.
' कम्यूटर ' शब्द की उत्पत्ति कम्प्यूट शब्द से हुई है , जिसका अर्थ है - गणना करना । अतः कम्प्यूटर का अर्थ है - गणना करने वाला । मुख्यतः कम्प्यूटर का आविष्कार गणना कार्यों के लिए किया गया था किन्तु वर्तमान में इसका कार्यक्षेत्र अधिक विस्तृत और आपक हो चुका है , इसलिए इसे संगणक या अभिकलित्र कहा जाने लगा है । कम्प्यूटर का तात्पर्य एक ऐसे यन्त्र से है , जिसका उपयोग गणना , प्रक्रिया , यान्त्रिकी , अनुसंधान , शोध आदि कार्यों में किया जाता है । कम्प्यूटर हार्डवयर और सॉफ्टवेयर का ऐसा संयोजन है , जो डेटा को सूचना ( Information ) में परिवर्तित करता है ।
Full form of computer
Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used in Technical and Educational Research.
C – Commonly
O – Operated
M – Machine
P- Particularly
U- Used
T – Technical
E – Educational
R – Research
The following are the main characteristics of a computer :-
1. Speed:- The biggest quality of a computer is its rapid speed of calculation. In fact, the computer was designed to be a fast computing machine. A computer can perform millions of calculations in a second. Currently, computers can perform calculations in nanoseconds (10-9 seconds).
2. Storage:- Computer can store a huge store of information in its memory. It has the ability to store data and programs. Data and information can be stored in the external and internal storage mediums (hard disk, CD ROM etc.) of the computer. Which we can use often.
3. Accuracy:- The rate of inaccuracy of the work done by the computer is very high. Computer gives the exact result of the most difficult question without any error. Even if any error is found during the calculation, it is due to human errors in the program or data. These errors are caused by wrong information (information or data).
4. Automation :- Computer is an automatic machine, in which human intervention is negligible during the calculation. However, the instructions for the computer to work are given by humans and there are less chances of errors in it.
5. Versatility :- Computers are far more versatile than humans. They can perform different types of tasks at the same time.
6. Diligence :- Being a machine, there is no effect of external environment on the computer. He can do any work without stopping for lakhs and crores. It plays an efficient role in its work. This is the reason that all the above characteristics of the computer make it a capable machine.