Types of keys
- Alphabet Keys
These keys are used to type the letters of the English alphabet. Pressing an alphabet key alone types a lowercase letter and pressing it together with Shift types a capital letter.
- Number Keys
There are number keys in the row above the alphabet keys. Digits from 0 to 9 are typed with these keys. The keyboard also has a separate set of keys for typing numbers, which is called the Numeric Key Pad.
- Escape Key
- Function Keys
The keys from F1 to 12 are called function keys. They are used for specific tasks defined in the computer. Their work also depends on the running program.
- Cursor Control Keys
These keys have left arrowheads. With these keys, the cursor can be moved anywhere on the desktop. On pressing an arrow key, the cursor moves forward one place in the direction of the arrow touched on it, eg. Pressing the key will move the cursor one line down and pressing the key will move the cursor one place to the right.
- Numeric Key
- Control Key
This key is used in conjunction with other keys to give certain commands. For example, in the Windows environment, pressing the key with the Control key ( Ctrl ) or Ctrl + c on a selected key. The object or material is copied to the clip board. The control keys are similarly used to give various shortcut commands.
- Alt Key
- Enter Key
- Shift Keys
- Back Space Key
By pressing it, the text to the left of the cursor is erased.
- Caps Lock Key
When this key is activated, uppercase is typed in lowercase and lowercase in uppercase. So this key affects only alphabet keys.
- Other Keys
In addition to the ones mentioned above, there are many other keys on the keyboard; Like- Pause, Break, Print, Screen, Scroll etc. They are used for special tasks.